Trends in Drug Consumption

Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy,
2003 National Drug Control Strategy

Estimated Drug Consumption (MT * 2204.6 = lbs)
  Total Marijuana Cocaine Methamphet Heroin
Year MT Pounds MT Pounds MT Pounds MT Pounds MT Pounds
1988 1,592 3,509,723 894 1,970,912 660 1,455,036 23 50,706 15 33,069
1989 1,478 3,258,399 866 1,909,184 576 1,269,850 19 41,887 17 37,478
1990 1,314 2,896,844 837 1,845,250 447 985,456 16 35,274 14 30,864
1991 1,170 2,579,382 793 1,748,248 355 782,633 10 22,046 12 26,455
1992 1,133 2,497,812 761 1,677,701 346 762,792 14 30,864 12 26,455
1993 1,152 2,539,699 791 1,743,839 331 729,723 19 41,887 11 24,251
1994 1,242 2,738,113 874 1,926,820 323 712,086 34 74,956 11 24,251
1995 1,235 2,722,681 848 1,869,501 321 707,677 54 119,048 12 26,455
1996 1,215 2,678,589 847 1,867,296 301 663,585 54 119,048 13 28,660
1997 1,282 2,826,297 960 2,116,416 275 606,265 35 77,161 12 26,455
1998 1,260 2,777,796 952 2,098,779 267 588,628 27 59,524 14 30,864
1999 1,331 2,934,323 1,028 2,266,329 271 597,447 18 39,683 14 30,864
2000 1,339 2,951,959 1,047 2,308,216 259 570,991 20 44,092 13 28,660

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