Trends in Average Heroin Prices
(1981 - 2002)

Trends in Heroin Prices at Three Purchase Levels
(Constant 2002 dollars -- per pure gram)
Year < 1 gram 1 - 10 grams > 10 grams
1981 $1,974.49 $1,670.02 $1,007.60
1982 $1,587.69 $1,226.42 $744.49
1983 $1,626.58 $1,528.63 $726.13
1984 $1,468.39 $1,440.79 $715.18
1985 $1,351.65 $1,128.50 $655.43
1986 $1,352.37 $1,021.65 $656.25
1987 $1,230.13 $1,093.10 $754.27
1988 $1,043.78 $880.91 $511.38
1989 $933.97 $693.87 $485.84
1990 $947.70 $911.57 $647.46
1991 $895.79 $819.38 $492.31
1992 $743.91 $633.38 $402.08
1993 $619.73 $448.69 $325.48
1994 $615.16 $418.35 $299.03
1995 $544.69 $402.90 $237.73
1996 $515.69 $378.49 $248.48
1997 $491.04 $327.60 $208.32
1998 $432.76 $294.42 $185.77
1999 $426.49 $266.16 $176.05
2000 $413.90 $269.54 $153.60
2001 $398.27 $246.02 $134.62
2002 $372.00 $240.84 $138.32

Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy
The Price and Purity of Illicit Drugs: 1981 Through the Second Quarter of 2003.
November 2004 (Publication Number NCJ 207768), Table 5, p.62

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