Breakdown of "Other" Costs

Categorizations and Values for "Other" Costs (2000 $billions)
Category 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Criminal Justice System
Police Protection $5.348 $6.915 $7.618 $8.057 $7.898 $9.017 $9.501 $9.824 $10.189
Legal Adjudication $2.716 $3.385 $3.742 $4.053 $3.898 $4.450 $4.689 $4.848 $5.028
State & Fed Corrections $7.495 $8.974 $9.669 $10.955 $10.901 $11.104 $11.519 $11.748 $11.990
Local Corrections $1.333 $1.638 $1.823 $1.951 $1.822 $1.836 $1.734 $1.634 $1.599
Supply Reduction $4.126 $4.349 $4.045 $4.130 $4.153 $4.901 $5.042 $5.997 $5.479
Private Costs
Legal Defense $0.365 $0.458 $0.493 $0.500 $0.483 $0.554 $0.573 $0.581 $0.591
Property Damage $0.193 $0.269 $0.266 $0.243 $0.232 $0.221 $0.195 $0.181 $0.181
Social Welfare $0.337 $0.418 $0.422 $0.412 $0.395 $0.300 $0.260 $0.238 $0.218
Totals (Billions) $21.912 $26.406 $28.078 $30.300 $29.782 $32.383 $33.513 $35.050 $35.274
Source: The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States
(ONDCP Sep 2001)

Note: All figures normalized to 2000 dollars

2005 Update

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