Breakdown of "Other" Costs
(2005 Update)

Categorizations and Values for "Other" Costs (2002 $billions)
Category 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Criminal Justice System
Police Protection $5.774 $6.213 $6.683 $7.192 $7.581 $8.088 $8.512 $8.779 $9.173 $9.654 $9.785
Legal Adjudication $1.377 $1.431 $1.546 $1.680 $1.738 $1.831 $1.989 $2.080 $2.179 $2.299 $2.336
State & Fed Corrections $9.610 $9.482 $10.216 $11.575 $11.519 $11.732 $12.095 $12.837 $13.136 $13.444 $14.236
Local Corrections $1.709 $1.731 $1.926 $2.061 $1.925 $1.939 $2.326 $2.450 $2.548 $2.670 $2.694
Supply Reduction $5.291 $4.595 $4.274 $4.364 $4.388 $5.178 $5.327 $6.412 $7.221 $5.993 $6.228
Private Costs
Legal Defense $0.468 $0.483 $0.521 $0.528 $0.510 $0.585 $0.605 $0.555 $0.596 $0.643 $0.647
Property Damage $0.247 $0.285 $0.280 $0.256 $0.245 $0.233 $0.205 $0.206 $0.206 $0.206 $0.206
Social Welfare $0.337 $0.418 $0.432 $0.442 $0.446 $0.434 $0.417 $0.317 $0.275 $0.253 $0.235
Grand Totals $24.909 $24.662 $25.892 $28.091 $28.325 $29.905 $31.334 $33.572 $35.294 $35.155 $36.413

Source: The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States,
Office of National Drug Control Policy (Dec 2004), Table C-4

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