Drug Induced Deaths by Death Type - 2003

Tally of Drug Induced Deaths by Death Type and Drug Type - 2003
Cause Type Total for Cause Clearly Illicit Possibly Illicit Alcohol Tobacco Non-intoxicant Not Specified
Overdose - Accidental 18,294 10,145 3,455 432 32 681 3,549
Overdose - Intentional 3,890 633 1,456 172 7 620 1,002
Overdose - Unknown Intent 3,553 2,092 607 76 3 108 667
Mental Conditions 2,915 807 266 133 599 4 1,106
Homicide 48 13 35 -- -- -- --
Miscellaneous 23 -- -- -- -- 6 17
Totals 28,723 13,690 5,819 813 641 1,419 6,341

Note: Includes Only Alcohol & Tobacco Listed For Drug-Induced Causes
See Drug Type Definitions For Explanation

Percentage of Drug Induced Deaths by Death Type and Drug Type - 2003
Overall Distribution Distribution Within Cause Type
Cause Type % of Total Clearly Illicit Possibly Illicit Alcohol Tobacco Non-intoxicant Not Specified
Overdose - Accidental 63.7 55.5 18.9 2.4 0.17 3.7 19.4
Overdose - Intentional 13.5 16.3 37.4 4.4 0.18 15.9 25.8
Overdose - Unknown Intent 12.4 58.9 17.1 2.1 0.08 3.0 18.8
Mental Conditions 10.1 27.7 9.1 4.6 20.55 0.14 37.9
Homicide 0.2 27.1 72.9 -- -- -- --
Miscellaneous 0.1 -- -- -- -- 26.1 73.9
Totals 100 47.7 20.3 2.8 2.2 4.9 22.1

Source: National Center for Health Statistics,
Multiple Cause of Death Public Use Files, 2003

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