Drug Treatment Admissions - Distribution by Ethnicity

Distribution of Drug Treatment Admissions by Ethnicity
Year Total White Black Hispanic Amer. Indian Asian Other
1992 1,560,311 923,856 401,478 152,488 38,531 7,738 9,557
1993 1,618,597 939,805 431,065 168,521 39,402 9,010 11,031
1994 1,671,039 963,257 447,945 181,168 38,404 9,873 12,896
1995 1,680,697 981,359 443,964 178,269 37,704 9,870 13,193
1996 1,643,731 973,808 418,514 169,285 40,082 10,197 16,606
1997 1,607,957 948,992 402,619 173,347 38,333 10,893 18,263
1998 1,712,268 1,004,115 419,784 191,484 40,511 11,515 20,351
1999 1,729,878 1,011,066 415,289 202,865 40,137 13,619 24,161
2000 1,778,352 1,028,144 437,320 211,483 40,407 14,859 28,588
2001 1,788,646 1,048,230 429,409 212,424 39,373 14,298 26,936
2002 1,882,584 1,097,962 446,946 236,652 39,463 16,552 27,620

Source: Treatment Episode Data Sets (2004)

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