Monitoring the Future
Drug Use Within HS Cohort Groups

Alcohol Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Cocaine Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Crack Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Hallucinogen Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Heroin Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Inhalant Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Marijuana Use Within Cohort -- High School Classes of 1995 through 2003
Lifetime Past Year Past Month

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Source: University of Michigan, Monitoring The Future Studies

Note: Data has been normalized to reflect changes in drug use patterns within each demographic. That is, the 10th grade and 8th grade data are taken from the corresponding 2 years and 4 years prior respectively, for each class.

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