Trends in Workplace Fatality Rates (1980 - 2002)

Trends in Work Place Fatality Rates (1980 - 2002)
Year NTOF Rate CFOI Rate
1980 7.5 --
1981 7.1 --
1982 6.5 --
1983 5.8 --
1984 5.9 --
1985 5.8 --
1986 5.2 --
1987 5.2 --
1988 5.0 --
1989 4.9 --
1990 4.6 --
1991 4.5 --
1992 4.3 5.1
1993 4.4 5.2
1994 4.4 5.3
1995 4.3 4.9
1996 -- 4.8
1997 -- 4.7
1998 -- 4.5
1999 -- 4.5
2000 -- 4.3
2001 -- 4.3
2002 -- 4.0

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Data from 2001 exclude fatalities resulting from the September 11 terrorist attacks.

NTOF -- National Traumatic Occupational Fatalities surveillance system

CFOI -- Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries

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