DAWN Single-drug Mentions: Major Substances of Abuse (1 of 2)

Cocaine Marijuana Heroin
Source: Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2003 Update
Click drug name in legend or table for more details.

Distribution of Single-drug Mentions: Major Substances of Abuse (1 of 2)
  Cocaine Marijuana Heroin Amphet
Year Single-drug Mentions Number % of Single-drug Mentions Number % of Single-drug Mentions Number % of Single-drug Mentions Number % of Single-drug Mentions
1995 243,890 42,671 17.5 9,690 4.0 32,027 13.1 3,541 1.45
1996 241,681 49,038 20.3 11,657 4.8 32,942 13.6 3,358 1.39
1997 241,000 49,029 20.3 13,734 5.7 30,755 12.8 2,842 1.18
1998 239,704 52,384 21.9 16,044 6.7 34,329 14.3 3,290 1.37
1999 239,582 49,058 20.5 18,936 7.9 38,683 16.1 3,591 1.50
2000 263,377 48,398 18.4 22,694 8.6 44,341 16.8 5,062 1.92
2001 279,552 54,646 19.5 27,062 9.7 41,613 14.9 5,686 2.03
2002 305,075 60,866 20.0 32,953 10.8 42,558 14.0 6,488 2.13

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