DAWN ED Marijuana Mentions -- Patient Disposition

Source: Drug Abuse Warning Network (2003 Update)

DAWN Marijuana Mentions: Patient Disposition (Totals)
Year Treated & Released Admitted Left Against Advice Died Unknown
1995 27,375 16,550 844 41 449
1996 32,990 19,447 714 ... 504
1997 39,080 23,289 1,555 18 779
1998 44,946 29,368 1,357 51 1,120
1999 49,462 35,043 1,474 ... 959
2000 52,146 41,715 1,518 60 987
2001 59,841 47,606 1,979 ... 901
2002 65,268 51,661 1,763 ... 693

Same data by percent of admissions

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